Welcome to The Hub @ New Moms!

At New Moms, we envision a future where every family thrives. We directly serve over 700 women and children in the Chicagoland area annually and now we are expanding our work to support families nationwide. That is why The Hub at New Moms exists — we want to share what we’ve learned and developed with other service organizations across the country.

The Hub houses our training and consulting for peer organizations and others in our field on the brain and behavioral science of Executive Skills. This training work is well under way. To date, we’ve trained over 150 people on Executive Skills Coaching for goal achievement from a wide variety of organizations including Children’s Home & Aid, United Neighborhood Centers of Northeastern Pennsylvania, Chicanos por la Causa, and Bethany Christian Services. Whether you are looking for an introduction to brain and behavioral science in the human services field, wanting to learn about your own Executive Skills, or are ready to fully integrate Executive Skills Coaching into your program strategies, The Hub has something for you!
Through The Hub you will LEARN.
Our New Moms’ Executive Skills Coaching is based on 5 years of research and applied practice across New Moms entire agency. Through The Hub, you can learn about the brain and behavioral science of Executive Skills Coaching through customized workshops and facilitated training.
Through the Hub you will PRACTICE.
Take your learning to the next level by applying it to your organization! Everything that you learn through The Hub at New Moms can be directly integrated into program strategy as you partner with your program participants to set and pursue their goals. You don’t have to practice alone! The Hub offers consultant and booster training sessions. We are partners with you on this journey!
Through The Hub you will CONNECT.
The Hub brings together professionals who are committed to racial equity, family-centered goals, and well-being. These fostered connections create a stronger infrastructure for families worldwide to thrive. Connections are made through The Hub’s virtual spaces such as LinkedIn and Teachable, expanding over time based on partner feedback.
Through The Hub we will ADVOCATE for change.
Improving local, state, and national policies and systems that affect families is an essential lever of change. Over time, The Hub will grow to include New Moms’ emerging policy & advocacy work, too. Stay tuned for more!

Our vision for a world of thriving families starts here. We welcome you to visit our website where you can learn more about The Hub and register for one of our upcoming workshops: The Hub’s inaugural Executive Skills 101 Workshop is on February 14th, 2022! This is your opportunity to see just how transformative an Executive Skills mindset and practice can be for your organization. Click here to register now!
Hear from our existing partners…