National Youth Homelessness Awareness Month 2021

Did you know that approximately 4.2 million young people, ages 13 to 25, in the United States experience some form of homelessness each year?
Stable housing is an important topic here at New Moms – we provide over 80% of the beds in Chicago for young moms experiencing homelessness. We know that having a safe, secure, and trustworthy place to call home is central to a family’s long-term well-being. That is why this month we’re bringing awareness to the challenges faced by youth and families at risk of and experiencing homelessness. Each week we will share stories and research to shed light on this issue that often gets overlooked.
Week 1
“I am thankful that New Moms is the place where my daughter and I can call home.” – New Moms Housing Participant
Did you know: New Moms is the largest provider of housing for young moms in Chicago?
Our Housing Program boasts 58 fully-furnished private apartments. The Transformation Center in Chicago can house up to 40 moms and 50 children in two-year transitional, supportive housing and Clare Place in Oak Park contains 18 units of permanent, supportive housing.
You can learn more about our Housing Program on our website.
Week 2
“Having a place for my children and myself to be able to come home to and call somewhere home is more than I could have asked for.” -Jessica, New Moms Housing Participant
Did you know: the COVID-19 pandemic has worsened our national housing crisis? For many, losing a job or an unexpected medical emergency like contracting COVID-19 is putting them at risk of eviction, foreclosure, and homelessness.
Since the beginning of the pandemic, the New Moms team has been moving young moms out of temporary emergency shelters into our housing programs in Chicago and Oak Park. Since March 2020, we have provided over 91,750 nights of shelter for young families like Jessica and her two children Alexander and Madelyn.
Week 3
“When I saw the apartment, my heart stopped. This was my own place. I’d been waiting for this moment for so long. It felt like everything was clicking together for me.” – Natasha, New Moms Housing Participant?
Did you know: the number of pregnant/parenting youth experiencing homelessness in Illinois has more than doubled in the last 20 years — rising from 30% to 68%?
We see this first hand. Nearly half of the young moms in our programs are experiencing homelessness when they come to New Moms. We know that having a safe, secure, and trustworthy place to call home is central to a family’s long-term well-being. Once housed, a young family can begin to work towards goals for their future. Since 2010, our Housing Program has housed 452 families including 585 kids in Chicago and 20 families including 32 kids in Oak Park.
Week 4
“New Moms gave me a stable place where I didn’t have to worry about safety, will I have heat, or all that other stuff. I had stability in my life while I was able to change my own life.” – Tabitha, New Moms Housing Participant
Did you know: a major goal of New Moms’ Housing Program is to transition young families into stable housing after their two years in our temporary, supportive apartments?
Our Housing Program team works closely with young moms during those two years to help families achieve housing independence. This includes assisting moms in opening bank accounts and setting saving goals to pay for their own apartment after moving out of New Moms. Last year, 89% of young moms exited New Moms to stable housing, surpassing the national benchmark of 64%. And after a year, 81% of young moms had remained in stable housing, again exceeding the national benchmark of 60%!