Making a Difference.
The Social Impact Research Center of Heartland Alliance measured the impact of New Moms’ services and found that every dollar invested in New Moms generates nearly a 4-fold financial return to the community at large! Through increased housing stability, social-emotional support, and more, your generosity helps to strengthen families and communities long-term.

73% doubled their income
From entry to exit, a majority of young moms in New Moms programs double their income. By earning wages in our job training program, accessing benefits to support their families, and gaining permanent employment, our moms are taking important steps towards establishing financial stability for their families.

40,212 nights of shelter
New Moms provided 74 families with housing. Stable housing is the beginning of stabilization and opens up opportunities to invest in other aspects of family well-being.

77% found stable housing
Surpassing the national benchmark of 64%, young moms who exit New Moms housing have a high rate of successfully transitioning to stable housing in both supportive and market rate options.
92% increase in positive parenting practices.
Early Childhood Coaches understand the unique opportunity to support mom & child when both are experiencing significant stages of brain development: early childhood, adolescence, and becoming a parent. Through providing developmental screenings, parent education resources, and practical guidance, each mom has resources available to support her growth as a parent.

87 obtained permanent employment
Employment partners create opportunities for young moms to succeed beyond their time at New Moms. We work to partner with businesses who uphold our values as we build employment pipelines that lead to family supporting wages, and offer career development that leads to economic mobility and thriving futures.

695 moms and children served
The multi-generational impact of New Moms work begins with each young family who joins our programs.

40+ years of real-world experience
New Moms believes in the strength, skills, and potential of young moms. Combining behavioral research, proven methodology with 40 years of real-world experience, New Moms has established an equity-driven model for generational change, challenging the barriers caused by systemic poverty and racism.

89% feel safety, trust, and quality of connection with New Moms and other young moms in the program.
Change comes at the speed of trust. New Moms works to create a community where growth can happen!
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