Taeya’s Story
“The universe heard my cries…”

Before finding New Moms, Taeya was living with her in-laws and pregnant with her second child. She was nineteen at the time and had just graduated high school.
“My in laws they were looking at me crazy,” Taeya said. “They were looking at me like I didn’t want to work. But I did, I just didn’t know how to [find jobs] by myself.”
Taeya said the universe must have been listening to her struggles because eventually a friend shared a Facebook post from a New Moms’ alumni that talked about her positive experience and encouraged others to contact New Moms if they needed support. Taeya’s friend encouraged her to call.
At first, Taeya was too nervous. It got so bad she was crying in her bed from worry. Wondering how she was going to take care of her new baby and questioning what she was doing with her life.
“I just didn’t know what to do and that’s when I called,” Taeya said. “Charlie, the father of my kids, he was encouraging me to call too.”

Taeya was connected with a New Moms’ doula to support her through the remainder of her pregnancy. And after the birth of her second son, Omar, she also enrolled in New Moms’ Job Training program. She said she is grateful for her time in the program because the things she learned continue to help her in her current job as a day care Health Monitor. She is better aware of what she wants and where she wants to be.
Looking into the future, Taeya wants to focus more time on her passion for art. She recently finished a painting called Golden Middle (check out her son posing next to the painting) which was inspired by the divine feminine and explores motifs of nature like the heavens and stars as well as neuro pathways in the brain. As a mom of two boys – the oldest five and the youngest two – she said it is hard to find alone time but that it’s an important part of her selfcare.
Taeya encourages other young moms to give New Moms a chance. She said the best part the programs are that help you build connections and find friends who understand what you are going through as a new parent.
“It’s important to have friends,” reminds Taeya. “Everybody needs somebody to lean on.”