Janiya’s Story

For Black History Month (February 2022), Janiya was asked to tell us about a milestone she was proud of accomplishing. Below is her answer, written in her own words.
“I am proud of my time management improving. I’m also proud of running into lifetime mentors. My people skills, and Executive Skills have improved also. I also been introduced to more helpful parenting skills, I’ve been actually setting goals and sticking to it. And I want to give a big shout out to New Moms for clearing my vision, I see things bigger.

And you can do anything you put your mind to, and I’m saying that with so much confidence! You have to see potential in yourself before anybody could, when you be yourself everything will eventually fall in place. My everything has grown since I been here honestly. I want to thank every woman that helped, it really helped, and I’m using these for life and I’m also pass them onto others.”