Comopsia’s Story

As part of our 2022 Valentine’s Day Celebration, young moms in our Academic Coaching program were asked to write love letters to themselves and/or to their children. Here are Comopsia’s letters in her own words:
Love Letter to Your Child
To my baby girl, I can say so much about you. The love I have for you is unconditional. I remember the first miscarriage I had. I was hurt but when I conceived you February 14th, on Valentine’s Day, I felt in some type of way you are my rainbow baby. I am so blessed. I am glad to be your mom. You mean so much to me. I can say a lot about it. It brings tears to my eyes that I can say how much you changed me, my mind, my heart. I love you princess, I got you forever my princess/baby/rainbow baby. You are truly my best friend my mini me.
Love Letter to Yourself
The love I have for myself is weird because my standards have gotten so high. I just want to be accepted and not be judged.