Anastacia’s Story

As part of our 2022 Valentine’s Day Celebration, young moms in our Academic Coaching program were asked to write love letters to themselves and/or to their children. Here are Anastacia’s letters in her own words:
Love letter to my kids
To my wonderful kids Jamaine and Ramone, I love being your mommy. I love waking up, making breakfast for you. I love your cires and your beautiful eyes. I love the way you two look at me and those hugs you give. For the moments mommy is tired or frustrated, I am sorry. You two complete my life. When I go to work and when I got to school, just know I do it all for you. Jamaine, you came into my life when I was 19, 21 days away from being 20. You gave my life more purpose. Ramone, you came into my life last year and brought us more life and love.
A love letter to myself

On the days I am unsure, I keep going. I am beautiful. I am smart. I am enough. I am a great mother.